Friday... Friday... Friday...

It is never too late to be what you might have been.
                                                                                                  - George Eliot

1. fruithead-gang-2, 2. Cupcake Carosel, 3. Untitled, 4. melon soda puccho cupcake, 5. Love Is In The Air, 6. Monster, 7. French Macaron Soap, 8. .how to get to cloud 9., 9. Mushroom Parade, 10. It's all closing in on me... 178/366, 11. Fisher Price Turtle, 12. Pink Champ-rain <3, 13. Shades of Pink Cake, 14. I Dream Of Candy, 15. giraffe tub, 16. It's almost time,

My very wonderful regulars know that I leave you all with a quote for inspiration every friday. As each friday approaches I start to reflect on what type of inspiration I'm going to need for the up coming week.  Most people see the weekend as the end of the week. I actually see it as the beginning... mostly because my work week starts on Saturdays, but also because when I'm not working its the start of weekend adventures. Friday always seem like the perfect opportunity to reboot- to work free of this weeks struggles and look forward to new opportunities. So... In accordance with thinking positive on Fridays and starting the weekend with fresh inspiration I'm going to be adding a mosaic of flickr images that inspire me each week. It will be kinda like a visual journal of all the things that made a warm fuzzy feeling in the bottom of my tummy. I hope you will all enjoy this addition to Fridays Quote. I personally think a bit of eye candy does us all good.  Do let me know if you like the idea or if you liked it better when I tried to tie one spacial image into my quote. Happy Weekend Everyone!

P.S. I have really great and wonderful things to announce next week! I'm bubbling over with excitement... but you and I are both going to have to wait patiently. I know its hard but the best surprises are the ones we wait for. I think! Oh geez, I better send off this post before I spill the beans!


  1. Beautiful mosaic again ! I love the carosel :) I love youe idea and I agree with you :)
    Have a lovely weekend :)))

  2. that quote is so true, and I love the pun on "eye candy" :)

  3. that quote is soo true!!

    y couldnt you keep talking?? lol, i want to know your secret!! im so nosey!

    hope u had a fun weekend :)


  4. thanks for including me in your eye candy mosaic- those are really great finds :D i just got home today and am looking forward to do a little post on my blog... going through flickr, blogger and all sorts of computer withdrawals. but it's good to take a break from it all sometimes...

  5. surprise! you've been tagged. come on over and have a look.

  6. I will wait patiently... no I won't... well, maybe! ;)

  7. Lovely mosaic...that pink cake makes me hungry too! LOL

    Pretty colors!


  8. Great mosaic. I love how colorful it is.


Thank you for your comments :)