We're Back....

Oh, the places we go... 
Here are a few shots from our trip down to Idaho. The above shots are from Eastern Washington where my husband grew up. Only he and a few others know where the old abandoned houses lay sleeping. I wish we could have gotten closer but it was very hot and I wore the wrong shoes. Maybe next next time.

The adventures we had...
It's always an interesting adventure when we bring our puppies along. They love to visit the farm and their grandma. I can't imagine leaving them at home... half the fun comes from their happy faces and the unexpected dilemmas. 

Once more Jim and I tried talking Jim's dad 
into letting us rebuild the families 1952 Dodge. 
No Luck! But we haven't yet given up!

The last night together we all got together to make smores. Yummy!

Charlie and I have played to hard. We are tired and ready to go home.

I still have to take pictures of my new lovelies from antiquing. 
I hope you all have summer trips as fun and memorable as ours was!


  1. hi there chelsea! i have a blog award for you! hope u can visit my blog later!

    have a great day.



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