Tell Me Some More...

Life has changed in our home. Where once I had hours to myself, now I have very little. My college roommate has moved in with us along with her 3 year old son. Its not only a daily adventure in how to share one bathroom, handle the dogs, and serve nutritious meals... its a life lesson on how life can change so quickly; with very little notice and all at once your learning just how much life can change with a little one in the home.

Tonight we read Tell Me Some More.. by Crosby Newell Bonsall and illustrated Fritz Siebel. 
I adore this book! Lovely Illustrations! 
The book is full of silly and wonderful ideas about the adventures of reading.

So I thought I would share just a few of my favorite stories and illustrators. 

My taste in children's illustrations is all over the board, from very loose to very refind. I think what is most important is the relationship between the story and the artwork. The artwork should compliment the story, not over power it. 

The Lovable Lyle series by Bernard Waber is fun and silly. 
Lyle is the sweetest crocodile with the biggest smile. 
I love Waber's loose illustration style. 
The work is charming and holds a lot of expression. 

Bill Peet is also an amazing story teller and illustrator. The Caboose Who Got Loose was the first of his work that I've read. He also has some wonderful short films. I found this wonderful site that breaks Peet's artistic process from schematic to finished piece. I love his sketching quality. He had a great talent in bringing his characters to life.

Last but not least- My all time favorite book Alexander and the Magic Mouse by Martha Sanders and illustrated by Philippe Fix. The illustrations in this book are so over the top its like stepping right into the book. You feel like your having tea with Alexander the Alligator himself! It can be a hard book to track down but it is well worth the hunt! 

There are so many fabulous children's books out there both old and new. I hope to get my hand on as many as possible... but for the ones I miss I found this wonderful blog 
Wonderful blog devoted to the subject, and so well written. 
As we all know I'm not always the best at this writing business!

Do let me know what your favorite children's books are!
 I would love to add them to my collection!


  1. This is a lovely post Chelsea :)
    Some of my favorite children's book... so many... So, a few of them (just the ones I have in mind right now):
    Rumpelstiltskin, Paul Zelinski
    Dearest Grandmama, Catherine Brighton
    The trouble with..., Babette Cole
    The Favershams, Roy Gerrard

    Some of my favorites illutrator...
    Maurice Sendak, Tomi Ungerer, Chris Van Allsburg, Roy Gerrard, Alex Scheffler... Philippe Fix too and so many else...
    And you !!!!! I am waiting to find a book of you !!!! I received today your Beautiful drawing !!!! Thank you !! I love it ! Clara loves it !!! (I'll do a post) Thank you so much :) I love the way you draw ! Thank you ! thank you ! thank you !
    Gros Bisous !

  2. thanks for the shout out birdy! I love those pics, and they've made me reappreciate peet to see those illustrations blown up so big. be expecting a post soon.


Thank you for your comments :)