My Halloween Costume

Ol' Halloween was a bit of a stressful day for me this year... 
But looking on the bright side of things-
we had trick or treaters!

My witch costume turned out pretty good! All I had to buy was the hat, scary as this seems to me, all the rest of the pieces came from my very own closet. Jared (my roommates son) looked absolutely adorable in the frog costume! Hope you all had the very best Halloween! Now on to Thanksgiving and from there a hop skip and a jump to CHRISTMAS!


  1. Cute costumes :) I love the frog feet(hands?)He looked like he was having fun!!!

  2. Fantastic ! A beautiful witch and a very cute little frog ! is costume is incredible ! Bravo to you and to little Jared !!!

  3. I mean His costume...

  4. Happy halloween (albeit belated)! I'd say you're the prettiest witch of them all!

  5. You're too pretty to be a witch! But you look fantastic and so does that cute little frog... now turn him into a Prince!!! ;)


Thank you for your comments :)