Christmas Day...

Another Christmas day has come and gone. 
Our tree is dead and my tummy hurts from too much candy. 
It was a wonderful day! 
EVERYBODY was home this christmas- 
which is the best gift of all. 
We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Idaho to visit Jim's family. 
So I will catch up with you all next week


P.S. Today I downloaded all the scanned pictures my dad did for us for our wedding. I look forward to sharing our childhood pictures with you all throughout the year.
There were just so many cute Christmas pictures but I loved these two -
 we are about the same age and we look so happy in our new christmas outfits!

Hope you all had a happy and safe Christmas!
Chelsea Ann


  1. You both are too cute! Thank you for sharing these lovely childhood photos. Happy New Year!

  2. Chelsea, I can't wait for you to begin sharing your childhood photos and memories. You've just completed the first page in that book you are trying to fill! Happy New Year's to you! Elizabeth

  3. Cute photos. Our tree looked a little dead on the day!! Happy New Year!

  4. Lovely photos ! So cute !!! Happy New Year !!!

  5. Adorable pics!
    I love those cowboy boots and polka dotted tights.


Thank you for your comments :)