I Want, I love, I heart mucho big time!

Sadie asked us Lolli's to blog about one item 
we LOVE currently listed in Lollishop land.
So I stared my search... I've been very careful not to get too attached to anyones sweet items because of my current economic problem... but it didn't take long to find something I wanted soooo badly I could cry! (Through a keyword search-dolls)

As of late I have been collecting vintage baby cloths. As soon as Sadie figures out how to get us Lolli's a second shop I will open ittybittybirdy. A swell little vintage baby shop full of baby cloths and fun little toys and accessories. 

Melissa Madison is the lovely lolli who made these amazing cards
Wouldn't they be oh so sweet matted and framed for a baby girls room. 
Oh I want, I want, I WANT!

Visit Melissa's Lollishop and blog to see more of her work
 and what this talented crafter is up too!


  1. Wowee! This is by far the most generous and thoughtful response I have EVER received about one of my crafty goodies. Thanks for thinking of me and for such a wonderful review!! xo melissa

  2. Oh My.. What treasures.. Brings back such memories of Paper dolls.. I was born in 59, so i did play with the vintage ones.. haha loved every minute of it too.

  3. She's got irresistible goodies in her shop! Thanks for the link, chelsea.

  4. Chelsea, A Christmas present is waiting on my flickr photostream. Merry Christmas! Elizabeth

  5. Those little cards are very very sweet !

  6. Oh, I want I want I want, too!
    Those are so sweet. I just love that there is no other adornment on the paper, so the dress is so striking itself.


Thank you for your comments :)