Sugar Belly Prints are here!

My first set of prints are finally done...
What an amazing feeling.
This collection of prints is based on my favorite treats at the moment.
Perhaps a hot dog does not count
but literally I'm having them breakfast, lunch and dinner these days
Junk Food is a topic I plan on exploring more
but crazy as this may seem
I will be debuting another new collection next week!
hint: I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see.
hmmmm... what could I be up to now?
I've been going back and forth on pricing for weeks now
this is what I've decided to try out

.Basic Pricing structure for prints.
1st Print: $18 (price includes shipping worldwide)
fallowing prints $15 Each
Special Discounts on prints sold as a set of 3 or more

I'll try it out and see how that goes.
I've found that typically prints are sold in the $18 range
and that does not include shipping
ugggg. pricing is never fun! :(

Well it's late in the day and I have more coloring to do before next weeks reveal
The ittybittybirdy Print Shop is now open!

Have a lovely weekend!
~Chelsea Ann

P.S. The first sale in my Print shop will receive 1 free print of their choice!!!


  1. Congratulations and good luck! These are so adorable!!!

  2. awww these are way too cute! Im so happy you're offering prints now!

  3. OMG. you're kidding me. You are so so SO TALENTED! :-) i adore these and they are SO unique and refreshing! (and the frames looks great! :-)

  4. These prints are sooo precious!!!!!Congrats and keep up the yummy good work! :)

  5. Congrats on the shop chelsea. Your sugar belly prints are just so cheery and cute! I hope you make postcards too. xoxo

  6. I am super excited for your print shop, I wish you loads of good lucky luck! I am so curious for what is coming next! I hope to see postcards or note cards some day too! <3 <3

  7. Love your prints! So fun and yummy!

  8. Chelsea Ann, You didn't go to art school for nothing! Your creative voice is coming through loud and clear. Next step for you is illustrating and publishing your own children's books. These are just adorable. Can't wait to see your new line! E


Thank you for your comments :)