Why I Don't have an Umbrella this Rainy Season

It's been a whirlwind year
I swear last Christmas was just a few months ago
so it's not surprising that I totally forgot
that earlier this year I reserved to show my art
in a prominent business building in downtown Portland
I'm not quite sure how I get myself into these silly things
I think "gosh that would be fun"
completely forgetting the time, energy, and $$$ that go into filling such a large space
And what a large space I had!
Perhaps what is most agonizing is coming up with an idea
non of my artwork was large enough to fill the space
so I knew from the get go I wanted to do an installation piece
I also Knew I wanted it to have a positive message and be fitting for Christmas
So after days of agonizing I came up with this idea
of an elephant handing a child an umbrella
long story short... the child turned into a girl playing dress up
and the elephant represents her imagination
It was quite a challenging project
as I had very little money to spare for the project and had to fill such a dang large space!
So I used cheap ol' plywood... might I say I learn everything the hard way
I laid out my three sheets of plywood and just started drawing
but trying to draw an 8' elephant freehand is not easy
no not at all!
after I was done I took pictures and downloaded them onto my computer
from there I drew my elephant contours
and realized I had to make some adjustments
would have been easier to have made a grid...
but like I said I ALWAYS learn the hard way.
Oh did I mention is rained like every other day... Ugggg
Poor elephant!

This is not my first window display...
perhaps you might recall my giant robot
or last years Jack Frost Display I did for local Portland business Posh Baby?
I swear each time I say this is the last time...
Well it would be nice if I could at least have a proper handyman
My poor hubby gets a little fed up with these projects of mine
but he is a pretty great sport about it.

Window displays are impossible to document in photographs.
There are glare issues up the ying-yang.
We tried at first to do them at night...
but that really was hopeless...

I'm a self proclaimed DORK!

Ah that's better...
hehe can you see me?
I'm not 100% satisfied with the elephant
but I'm pretty dang proud of myself!
I guess you really could call this art
It's not a very busy road and I'm not getting anything out of it
but then again... omg I have now displayed my art 3 times in downtown Portland
How many people can say that?
As I didn't go to school for art and I have done little
to no reading on what it means to be an artist
I am complexed by what does and should drive the artistic soul
should it have monetary value, name recognition...
heck if I know? What rational can you give to doing such silly, hair pulling things?
I hope to explore the idea more
Someday I would even like to have my own gallery showing...

it is interesting in a way that when I was in high school
the only career that interested me
was window display and store design
and I've always wanted to have my own boutique!
It's my ultimate dream besides being a mommy.

The title of this window is
"Help Set the Stage for Active Imaginations"
This world could use a little less reality
and a bit more silly fanciful trips into the world of childish play and make-belief
if you ask my humble opinion

One last thing before I go
I just completed another page for my wedding scrapbook
oh my that silly cupcake just exploded!
The cupcake I stuck in his face was a different kind of frosting
so I think we were both shocked when his exploded all over me!

oh yeah! If you're in the area go see my window display for yourself
it will be up until the end of January
Click here for location


  1. Oh that is amazing...love that display...what a cute idea!! And your others are rockin' too...you go girl!

    Jamie :)

  2. Congratulations Chelsea, this window display is fantastic! You should be very proud. I have no doubt that you will one day own your own boutique store, you have the talent and the drive to make it happen!
    I can imagine doing that elephant free hand was a challenge, especially with the rain, you should feel good about it, because I think it looks great!

  3. I love your window display Chelsea Ann, you come up with the most imaginative, amazing things!
    I love the outfit with the red dress, so cute.
    Its a shame the photos couldnt show the true beauty of your displays with the window glare.


  4. WOW that's so cool!
    I wish i could make things like
    that! And that there would actually
    be windows that wanted to have
    something i made :)!

  5. Your window display is beyond wonderful!!! You are so hard on yourself!! You should be so proud of what you accomplished with little money and time. Thank you for sharing the pics with us. I wish I lived near you so I could see the store window in person. :)

    ~ Wendy

  6. so, you did it Chelsea.. keep it up.
    cool idea and wonderful job..
    we all would be waiting for next, and hope that you'll get your own boutique soon.. at least we can see your artworks. :)
    best regards..

  7. your elephant really is precious! i love the white outline drawing against the pretty blue. (and his little eyelashed eye is the cutest!) i know what you mean... the ambition of getting into projects is easy & exciting as an idea, but pulling it off can be really frustrating! that's how i feel each time i style a photo shoot... even though i've done it only three times, each time i tell myself "never again!". but it's true, it's always a proud moment to see the end result. congratulations on your window display :)

  8. you kill me with your sweet spirit, awesomeness and super-talented-ness! :-) You totally pulled this off and what a huge challenge!! That would be so hard to fill that kind of space on a budget. How cool to say that your work is displayed like that in Portland. You did an incredible job! (and yay for sweet husbands that put up with we crafty wives. ;-)

  9. Hi!
    I recently received the kreativ blogger
    award and I'd like to pass it on to you!
    You can find the award button on my blog!
    I hope you like it :)!
    Love, Nikki

  10. It was extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

  11. Amazing! You did a great job, it's so sweet and fun.

  12. Dear Chelsea Ann, I for the life of me can not get my blog to add your URL. It is driving me nuts not to have your blog name to click on my sidebar. I just wanted to stop by and wish you the most wonderful of Thanksgivings. I can't wait to see what creative things you come up with for the holidays! Elizabeth


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