going YoYos

I'm the kind of gal who can't sit still
watching a movie with restless hands is a nightmare
many people crochet
and god knows I've tried!
but the one thing I find the most rewarding is making YoYos

Isn't this guy so dang cute!?
My mother in law gave me
you might recall this post
well she got me the owl (of coarse)
the toy horse and the stocking holder
for Christmas!!!!! LUCKY ME!
I am blessed to have a mother-n-law
whom I adore! Like crazy adore!
She doesn't even have internet access
so she couldn't even cheat and I find out what I loved most
I so so so wish we didn't have to live so far apart
in fact if I could have things my way
she would live with us!

New batch of YoYo headbands
just landed in my little shop
This is a crazy batch too
going from way way bright and cheery
to very soft and pretty

See what I mean?

Hope you're having a great week!

Chelsea Ann


  1. so VERY pretty!
    *swooning* over yo yos!

    p.s. your MIL rocks!
    that owl is killer cute!

  2. Very pretty, I love them! Sweet stuff! oxox, Diane

  3. sweet designs, lucky mother in law to have you :)

  4. Cles, I bought this little yo yo maker thing and I can't figure it out! Can you do a toot on making yo yos with pictures???

  5. ooooooh they are all so pretty again! I want them allll!!!
    Maybe I should just try make some
    myself...would you mind :)?
    Keep it up!

  6. How absolutely adorable! I keep telling myself to get crackin' and try some of these headbands. I love yoyos and am always looking for new ideas of what to do with them. What a cherry post~Thanks!

    Pink Pearl Studio

  7. Chelsea Ann, You are too wonderful for words! I can just picture you making yoyo's by the gazillions! How sweet is your Valentine's Day photo. Your paper lines are just wonderful and so original. I wish you all success with them. You are in my heart and prayers, have a lovely weekend ahead! Elizabeth

  8. Cute cute cute! Such pretty colors! I adore making yoyos too. Addicting for sure.
    Have a great day.

  9. I saw that Sadie Lou asked for a tutorial. I did one over at Glitter and Grunge. Here's the link :) Enjoy!

  10. I highly approve of the aqua and red one!!!!!!!!!! :)

  11. oooo.. i love them. They are wery cute.

  12. Very Sweet Chelsea!~
    I also have to multi-task while watching t.v. Mostly I browse through a magazine or visit blogs.
    Love your Yo yo combos.

  13. your blog is so colorful! love it.

  14. I love them ! Wow !They're awesome !
    And I see myself in your first words (watching tv while crafting) but nope in the last ones (ah ah !)

  15. They are dang cute but they are also so dang cute on cute little you. :)


Thank you for your comments :)