Goodnight Moon {diy-tutorial}

It's not very often that I finish a just for me project
but recently I decided I wanted to try making something new
out of something that was otherwise collecting dust in our home
So here we go
let's make a goodnight moon lamp!

The first thing you will need is a globe.

Now don’t be shy,

I’m sure by now you have all converted to Google Maps

and your globe is sitting on the top of a shelf

somewhere collecting dust.

If you don’t have one,

try your local thrift store,

chances are someone else just got addicted

to the Magic of Google.

LOL, no I’m not trying to shamefully

promote Google!

Once you have cleaned the dust off you will want to find

some type of light to illuminate your globe.

I stole mine from one of my Christmas village pieces,

but I’m sure you can find something

at your local hardware store.

With an exacto knife

cut out an opening for your light.

Prime your globe with gesso or basic white paint,

this may take several coats.

Once primed the fun part begins-

the decorating!

Skies the limit - your “moon” can look anyway you want.

I made mine to match my shabby chic bedroom theme

I’ve recently taken a liking too.

I chose to decoupage my globe

with old music sheets,

vintage cards, and sewing patterns

using Mod Podge as my glue.

Elmer's basic white glue will work just fine too

it’s just important at this stage in the project

to use a matt based product.

Once you have the entire surface covered,

you will probably want to subdue or age your piece.

I diluted pink, aqua, pearl, and white

acrylic paint with some water

and worked my way around the globe

painting the entire surface and then rubbing it off.

I ended by sprinkling a bit of glitter

before everything was completely dry.

Once dry seal your work

with a glossy overcoat of Mod Podge.

To create the “craters”

you will need some scrap-booking eyelets.

The ones I chose were 1/8 inch,

however I found they were a bit too small

to really allow very much light to come through

so I would highly suggest you try a larger size.

If you are careful to pick just the right size

of drill bit your eyelets should fit right into the holes

and no glue will be needed to hold them in place.

I’m sorry that I don’t have any images to share

of what the lamp looks like turned on.

This lighting technique is very subtle

and is more for just adding a bit of

“magic” to your room at night.

If you want just skip the lighting portion

of this tutorial all together,

to create interesting three dimensional pieces of art.

You could have a whole collection

in all different sizes.

Believe me,

once through you wont miss

that ol’ globe one bit.


  1. I looks absolutely lovely! And a nice tutorial :)

  2. What a great tutorial!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Sandy xox

  3. chelsea ann.. love this! i collect globes and will definitely have to try this once we are with house again!! thanks for such a fun diy!


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