X Marks The Spot: Week One of Art Journaling with Jenny and Aaron

Who needs a fancy therapist?
Art therapy is my prescribed 
drug of choice :)

I was so excited when Jenny (of Everyday is a Holiday)
 contacted me about her and Aaron's
that they are graciously hosting over on their lovely blog.
At first I thought "no way do I have time for this right now"
however that train of thought didn't last long
because ultimately
I wanted and NEEDED this artistic distraction in my life.

See, tomorrow I start my hormones for IVF
and I'm not exactly thrilled about it...
Don't get me wrong I'm excited about what the end result
may (thinking possitive - WILL) bring
but I'm terribly anxious and nervous about the entire process too.
So a little IVF "baby" journal started to take shape this week.
I'm still too nervous to write anything,
fearing I will wreck all my work
or perhaps a bit embarrassed that I'm not all that clever with words.
But I'm sure I'll get there,
and I bet Jenny and Aaron will have lots of advise 
and great tips and techniques in the coming weeks.

I didn't really expect to 
LOVE Art Journaling quite so much
but I couldn't hardly wait for the pages to dry.
It's gratifying to translate my fears and frustrations into something pretty.
Tomorrow morning I go in for Shot Orientation ;(
I really haven't a clue where I'm going to find the inner strength to face my fear of needles
and the idea of having to administer them myself,
but I don't have much of a choice... 
This girl wants a baby!!!



  1. Love your art!
    All the best wishes from the Netherlands, hope everything works out for you ;o)

  2. I'm participating in Jenny's class too, but don't have anything to share quite yet. Your pages are lovely and I hope the IVF process goes smoothly for you and results in a sweet bundle of joy!!!
    Michelle xoxo

  3. i love your layout! ive just added my layout to my flickr page


    will be blogging about it nxt week I think! Cant wait for todays class ^_^ x

  4. Oh my gosh!! Your pages are just so so so sweet!! I love them!! Thank you so much for joining in the fun...I'm so happy you gave it a shot! ...ha.."shot" seems to be the word of the day for you. :/

    Hope you are feeling much better!!

    LOVE to you!!
    xo Jenny

    ps Aaron says hello!

    pss...feel free to link this up to this week's class too!!

  5. I love your pages. so pretty. I especially like the paper doll esque one. I'm having the same problem of not knowing what to wright. At least when the time comes that I need to wright I'll at least have the perfect place to do it.

  6. Oh wow... your pages are so, so pretty! I just love your composition, colors, style... everything. Art journaling is just that for me too - therapeutic.

    Hope all goes well with the IVF! I can only image the kind of anxiety that would accompany the process.

    Good luck and I do hope you continue to art journal. =)

  7. What wonderful pages. You were really inspired and it shows! I really like them all, but especially love the colors in the top one, they really pop.

    xo Tori


Thank you for your comments :)