Party in The Sky

Yesterday we said our goodbyes to a sweet young lady who has been
in our home these past 11 months. It was a bitter sweet goodbye
with much concerned about her future welfare.
Sadly there is only so much that can be done to keep children safe
and now we must prey and hope that our fears will not come to fruition.
But of coarse she was very excited to return home
and so we hope above all that she will be safe and happy from this day forth.

We recently celebrated her 13th birthday with our friends and family.
It was her very first birthday party, and that made it all the more special!
Unfortunately I've been quite under the weather with the pregnancy,
(now 10 weeks along) and so I only had a few short hours to devote to making
this party as special as I could for her and our guests.
Leaving the house is a nightmare with a house full of kids,
and a miserably unhappy tummy
so ALL the decorations were things we had around the house
and a digital kit from Minitoko called Cute.
And CUTE her party was indeed.

Confetti Border is also available from Minitoko

For the backdrop I hung a bed sheet for the sky
offset by a black tablecloth for a really bold and graphic pop.
I spread out a multi-colored rope light along the table and covered it with
cotton fluff from my craft supplies closet to look like floating clouds.
The effect was so pretty with the lights turned low.

We are so lucky to have a wonderful organization in our area called 
Community Cakes which provided free homemade cakes to those who would 
otherwise not receive one.
As a foster parent I can't express enough how much this service 
has blessed the lived of our children. 

I HIGHLY recommend using Digi Kits for party decorations and invites
There are so many unique kits out there, with themes you
might otherwise never come across in a department store.
It's easy to think that a party is going to cost a bundle,
but if you think outside of the box, repurposing items from around your home
you can come up with something that leaves your wallet happy
 and your guest in ahhhh! 


  1. so nice that you are a foster parent. I am a caseworker for our local DSS and I run a foster program for our juvenile delinquent boys. We love the foster parents in our county.. but boy do we need more. Its hard to return them home isnt it? I know, I see it all the time.
    kudos to you though!!
    we need more people like you!

  2. Wow! So awesome that you are a foster parent and the party decor turned out amazing! So unique and pretty. :)
    -Kayla from Love Sparkle Pretty

  3. I sure love how you managed to create such a wonderful party using everything you had on hand! That is sooooo cool. 10 weeks that is great I am so happy for you guys. Needless to say I am sure you are thrilled all the morning sickness is way worth the outcome! Hugs from California, Diane ox

  4. Hi Chelsea. I haven't stopped by your blog in a while and am thrilled that you're expecting a baby!! How wonderful for your and your husband!! Hang in there. It will get better. : ) Pregnancy can be a tough thing sometimes but try to keep your eyes on the prize!! I wanted to tell you that I am so in awe of you for being a foster parent. You are truly doing God's work. I know this post was written last month but I just read it now and had to comment. I can't even begin to imagine how it feels to see your foster child have to leave and go back to a not-so-great situation. God bless you for what you and your husband do. Feel better and have a wonderful Christmas!! xoxo

    ~ Wendy


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