20 Weeks

Little Annalea and I at 20 weeks. 
Despite the morning sickness that refuses to let me be,
I've gained 16 pounds and am now feeling her little kicks
which make me giggle and jump in delight each and every time.
She's such an active little pickle,
in all my ultrasounds she has been a busy little things
doing flips and grabbing her toes with her tiny little fingers.
In one of my pictures she's got her foot all the way up to her nose!
I'm so excited to be having a little girl!
At just 13 weeks they predicted she was a girl, 
but my husband persisted on calling her baby Hank. 
But luckily all my little purchases of ruffly socks, and sun hats
didn't have to be packed up and sent off to my sister-n-law.
My husband's sister is having a baby girl in just a few short weeks
-if she makes it that long.
This will be her first child as well, and like me perhaps her one and only.
I'm so thrilled that we are having our kiddos so close together;
I didn't have any cousins the same age and I can't wait 
to see these two little girls grow up being the best of friends

P.S. I'm actually 22 weeks along now, but as with everything else these
days I'm a bit behind on checking things off my to do list. 
I probably should just get use to that... 


  1. Aw, what an adorable Mama-To-Be you are, Chels!
    xo, Elaine

  2. do you have any idea how happy i am this is happening for you? i have missed a lot i think, just found out you're having a girl! how fun!

  3. How wonderful! Isn't it exciting when you can feel flutters and kicks? Babies are such a blessing. I wish you and your little one health and happiness. ; )

  4. You look so darn cute! I feel like this is all a dream.. here we are giving you a BIG congratulations on the Baby to be!! I am so loving this. oxox, Diane P.S> we are going to need snail mail address soon.. please

  5. I'm so incredibly happy for you <3


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