28 Weeks and Counting

To say that pregnancy may have been more of an "adventure"
than I was prepared for would be an understatement.
Im now 28 weeks!
I started to have contractions at 23 weeks, 
so each and every day that we make it further down the road
is truly a blessing. On top of that in just the last few weeks
i've had the tummy flu, a cold (still do), a possible uti,
heartburn that keeps me up all hours of the night,
and have I mentioned that I still have morning sickness?!
My Dr. advises that if we want to have another baby
we should consider going through IVF again within 7 months of
this delivery. To that I say, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
I think it's safe to say that if I decide to go down this road again
I might as well be diagnosed clinically loony.
We are still praying that our foster baby boy
who is now 5 and a half months will be ours one day soon,
but we still are not sure which way the state will go with his case.
As you can imagine after so many months, we are quite bonded,
and the idea of him being taken away is more than I can bare to ponder.
I started out praying for a humble and understanding heart,
now I pray in earnest - "Lord, don't take my baby away from me!".
We are also pursuing an adoption of two siblings, ages 7 and 9.
It's pretty crazy to imagine that in just a few short months
our little family could go from zero to FOUR!
I always wanted 5 kiddos,
so as you can imagine this would be a dream come true.
I've certainly learned over the last few years of fostering
that kiddos don't have to be your own flesh and blood
for you to love and adore them as if they were always yours.
So while I'm ecstatic (although hopelessly miserable) 
that I've gotten the chance to have a little "us"
and the chance to experience pregnancy,
I don't think I'll be sad if this really does turn out 
to be our one and only bun in the oven.

I'm so so so beyond blessed that my husband is so supportive,
without him we wouldn't be able to carry on with 3 foster kiddos,
and I certainly would have gone mad.
Every-time I emerge from the girls room
he smiles and enthusiastically shouts
Lord love him, sometimes I want to slug him right then and there,
but he's right... thanks to science and lots and lots of prayers
I'm having a baby!

Do you hear me miss Annalea? Not yet!

Digi Goodies from Danielle Thompson - available at Kitschy Digitals.


  1. you're pregnant ! congratulations ! so happy for you.. i'm your silent reader all this while. but this good news really makes me wanna leave a comment here. =)
    take care & enjoy your pregnancy =D

  2. Darling update, and yes life is always full of it's own surprises what with that? Please do keep us updated on your family.... ox, Diane

  3. could not be happier for you Chels! my prayers are with you too. . . so, annalea honey, stay in there a little while longer! i know you are excited to meet your awesome mom and dad *but* they will still be awesome a couple months from now! ;) love you hon. hang in there. you are an inspiration! your foster kiddos are very lucky to have you too. . . praying they can become "yours". i will let Heavenly Father know how amazing you are. . . although i know he is already aware. . . still doesn't hurt to remind (^0^)!

  4. Oh Chelsea! Just saw your name pop up on another blog, and thought I'd come over and see what you're up to... Holy cow! Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you- I know what a struggle it's been for you- so happy to hear that you're pregnant. I'll send a few prayers your way that things work out as they should, whatever that may be, since you've got a lot up in the air at this point! Congrats again!!

  5. Aww I'm so happy for you and I hope it all goes well with your foster children. I can't wait to see your project life pages. It's such a fun project and I love the stickers you have been collecting for them!

    Happy Easter!

    Sandy xox


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