Our Holiday Blessings

This year has brought my little family many many blessings
all of which made this holiday season so very special.

Our beautiful baby girl
has brought so much joy and love into our lives.
Always smiling and has recently mastered rolling over. 
Everyone says she looks just like her daddy.
She's a daddy's girl all the way,
just the sound of his voice makes her giggle with delight 
and can wake her from her slumber.
She has a strong little spirit,
and will no doubt be bossing her
 "big" brother around in no time.

Our little man is growing up! 
15 months and so very very quick on his feet.
He's especially determined at all times 
to get his hands on anything electronic,
but turn on some music and you've quickly got his attention. 
He loves our puppy dogs, his stuffed froggy,
and has recently started to enjoy his little sisters' company.
He's a little guy... already miss Annalea out-weighs him.
We lovingly call him Annalea's big-little brother.
We are anxious to wrap up the adoption hopefully early this spring.

As you can imagine with two babies just 7 and half months apart 
I'm a very busy momma!

This was our first Christmas as a family. 
We stayed home this year - traveling with the babies is hard on us all.
We had such a nice quiet day, but it was no less special.
Although of coarse we did miss our families and can't wait to see them
all in the new year. 


I wanted to make this Christmas special for my hubby
but I don't exactly get paid for changing diapers all day.
So I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and painted 
him a picture of our family... Snowman style.
Despite my best efforts it's still not quite finished. 
But for pretty much never ever painting 
I'm pretty happy with the way it's turning out.
We also wanted to celebrate Hubby's two big new titles this year
Becoming a Boss Man, and a DADDY!

Christmas Eve hubby surprised me with a gorgeous holiday bouquet.
This November we celebrated 10 years of being a couple!

And as usual he spoiled me rotten for Christmas
with two beautiful new necklaces.

From new beginnings to celebrations of a beautiful life together
we have so very much to be grateful for as 2013 comes to a close.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chelsea! It's been so long since I've checked your blog, and your comment on mine reminded me...! What a treasure this Christmas season has been for your family- I know of all the struggles you've been through, and I'm so truly happy with how things have turned out for you!
    I thought of you just the other day when I saw a show about "living dolls" and Lolita style, and I remembered all of your beautiful outfits!


Thank you for your comments :)