My Sweet Petey Pie

My goodness is my heart just pounding
with joy and excitement
in sharing that our little family is in every way complete.
As of the the 13th of March
our little boy is officially ours
and we are his!

Our Peter came to us through Health and Welfare when he was just 5 days old.
When we received the call we were NOT on the list to take
any new foster placements.
We were also at that moment in the car driving to the IVF clinic 
to find out whether or not I was pregnant. 
Panic and confusion quickly surfaced
I couldn't help but think
"Great, this is God giving me a baby but not the one I want."
I know that sounds terrible, but I was already in a terrible state
wanting so badly for this round of IVF to bring us 
the miracle we so desperately wanted to come to fruition.  
With no time to process what this placement would mean,
we said "yes", knowing all to well that H&W 
would have no trouble placing a newborn baby. 

While waiting for results of my blood work,
we picked up this tiny 5 lb. cutie
and headed to K-mart for diapers and such.
And that is where we were when we got the call,
the call that changed our lives forever.
Little did we know then that the call just hours earlier
was just as much a life changer!!!

If you've followed my blog these last 18 months
you know that my pregnancy was a nightmare from
start to finish. Not exactly an ideal situation for caring 
for a newborn baby (and two other foster kiddos!).
I was SO sick, and I can't even say just how many times
I asked my husband to let us send our Peter to another home.
There was little possibility of the case going to adoption,
that it didn't always seem logical to me to keep him.
I just wanted to sleep, and not toss my cookies 
every time he soiled his britches. 

But hubby just kept insisting that we make it work.
He even stepped up to the "changing table"
 and took care of all the stinky britches
whenever he was home! 
Then again after the birth of our daughter I was so ill from
the ordeal my body endured during my delivery 
that I questioned why we weren't sending him to another home.
I was unable to even pick him up for over a month,
how could I not think he would be better cared for by another foster momma?
H&W was still very adamant that his case
 would not result in an outside adoption. 

Again my husband was the one that stepped up and took care of Pete
when I could not and thank goodness he did!
At 14 months we were preparing for our little guy to be sent to his new home
when we got the call that was most unexpected -
we were chosen to be Peter's adopted family!
I think I had them repeat themselves two or three times
just to make sure I understood them right.

My babies are just over 7 months apart.
They are quickly becoming the best of friends,
and I can't hardly wait to watch the two of them grow up together.
Peter is such a little fellow that I call him
Annalea's big "little" brother. 
Baby girl already outweighs him by 4lbs.

On March 13th we legally became a family. 
But the way I see it
we came to be a family back in 2012
in a K-mart checkout line. 


  1. This is such a sweet story, with a wonderful ending --I'm so happy for you and your adorable family.

  2. So sweet! I'm so so so happy for you and your family! Your kids are pretty darned lucky to have parents like you two.

  3. chelsea! can you email me your address again? i found a pattern for the mickey mouse overalls/and a DRESS that you drew me a pic of a while back! I actually missed an auction for them but then when i came across the patten i snapped it up. unforch i don't sew! or i would make them for you :)

    alisha! from lishyloo on etsy

    email is:


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