BIG Mistake!

Oh NO! I made a huge boo-boo and accidentally lost my new blog design! 
What a terrible feeling... I just stared at the computer screen for a couple of minutes in pure shock! Three hours later and I'm feeling a bit better. Finally came up with a look I'm happy with! But what a sad lost! The only positive here is that the new colors are easier on my eyes! 
I'm soooooo sorry Chelsea! I'm the biggest looser ever!

P.S. If you haven't already- 
make sure you leave me a comment on my last post for your chance to win one of my original illustrations!


  1. It can't be definitely lost ? can it ? I love the little drawing, very sweet ! I wish you a lovely day today !

  2. Awwww...I feel so bad for u! i always loose things on my pc...i have to get dad to come and find it for me...

    Hope u manage to retrieve it... :)

  3. Chelsea Ann!!!! What happened????? I would really like to know how you lost it all. What can I do to help? Do you want me to send you your sig and header links again, so they aren't so blurry?

  4. I found you through flickr and went crazy adding your GORGEOUS creations to my favorites! I cannot believe you haven't sold a thing yet in your Etsy shop. You will! I LOVE those cakes and they hold jewelry?

    You are so talented in thew way you staged your photo shoot and party pictures.


Thank you for your comments :)