A special Giveaway

Wouldn't life be fun... if we didn't live in cookie cutter homes. If windows and doors didn't come in ready to place shapes, and we each had a house completely unique. What if life as we knew it was just a bit more random, and lot more out of the ordinary? 
When I day-dream life is as such... when I put my pencil into motion amazing new places come in to shape. In my imagination there aren't so many rules and absolutely no pre-planning. Objects come to life organically. When finally I think a drawing is done, I hang a cloud or two in the sky and watch to see if it shall rain or shine. I wish I could visit this place more often, the perfect street with the very best kind of neighbors. Where children play all day long until at-last they sleep. Where woman gather on porch fronts to knit and quilt and such. A place where the men work hard until late afternoon then visit along the river bank with fishing poles in hand.

Well for the last couple of week I have been able to sneak away to my sketch book to let my imagination stray. Its a very special house built with love and care. The clouds have not yet come... so I can't share it with you all quite yet but...

I would like to offer it to all my friends as a little "thank You" for all your sweet words and friendship. For me blogging is very much like my make-believe neighborhood...
A safe, and fun place where everyday my dearest friends stop by to say hello. A place where life is a bit slower and we all take the time to listen. 


Please drop me a comment bellow and I will put your name into the hat. 
I will post the picture of the house and draw a name friday morning at my Etsy shops grand opening party. 

P.S. I would love any advise you all may have, from running your own business to finding joy in life!

Also- of coarse my international friends are included in this special treat :) It wouldn't be the same without you!


  1. Dear Chelsea, I love your illustration! I think that's the happiest house on earth!

    I believe that if you can dream it, you can create it! You can make it any way you want it.. as wonderful and perfect as you like. There are no boundaries the sky is the limit.

    As always, it's a pleasure reading about your wonderful world.Have a great life!

  2. Thanks Christy! I wish you all the best to! :)

  3. I love your little house, it looks to me like the best place to live, even with the two little clouds, which ones are there just for the flowers :) I love the way you draw, you write, very lovely, full of life... This is maybe your secret for happiness but you don't know it yet...
    You are my Alice in Wonderland :)
    Long life to your lovely blog ! to your lovely world !

    Shooting stars in the sky tonight :)

  4. I have dreamed of such houses for years! Unfortunatly I can't draw! I would love to stitch a house like this one. You should try some embroidery patterns! There aren't nearly enough patterns in this world ;)


  5. Jennifer-

    Thanks for stopping by! I don't know much about embroidery patterns... but that would be fun! I wonder how I would get into doing something like that?

    P.S. you have no link to your blog through your profile. Let me know how I can find your in this big ol' cyber world :) Especially if you win the drawing!

  6. ohh i want to be in your drawing. i do wish to live in a house unique to only me and my family too. good luck on your grand opening.

  7. what an adorable house :D i wish i lived in one like that! perhaps i'll be lucky and it will hang on my wall...

    as far as advice goes, do what you love and everything else will fall into place. i'm a firm believer in hard work paying off, but i also believe a little luck and good timing has a lot to do with it. but in the end, all the stars will eventually align as long as you can persevere. i know i keep on telling myself not to get boggled down and stressed, not to bite too much off the cake... i think you have to be patient as an artist and never give up!

    of course, always easier said than done, right :D

  8. That is such a cute little home. I could totally get cozy in it!
    Good luck with your Etsy shop! I can't wait to look through it.


Thank you for your comments :)