A Night At The County Fair


Growing up in a small town in Southern Idaho, the fair was a highlight of the year. It was a week of getting together with all your friends, winning ribbons, and flirting with boys. The smells and tastes of your favorite treats that only came around once a year. The Rodeo and concerts and magician shows. Not to mention the carnival. To this day the fair is a reminder of the small town life. So of coarse when Jim asked if I wanted to drive two hours to go to the Tillamok fair- I said "YES!" The food was bit different, and I didn't know a single soul, but the magic was much the same. 

I love the flowers... so many varieties and lovely smells!

I forgot the name of this strange thing. But some nice fellow said that the leaves on the plant grow up to 6' tall. Very Strange indeed!

Ever heard of Tillamok cheese? It's pretty famous!
There were lots of cows indeed, all milk cows... no beef. 
Jim who once brought cows to the fair himself- good ol' FFA Boy 
(Future farmer of America)
told me all about the differences between steers, cows, bulls, calfs, and heifers and such
Very interesting stuff...

This little guy really liked the camera. What a cutie!

And last but certainly not least we got to see Sawyer Brown! It was a wonderful concert...
These guys have been together 27 years!


Can't wait until next year!


  1. such a colourful fair, I wish we had a more local yearly fair :)

  2. What fun! I have always loved country fairs, there is so much to see and eat! It looks like you had a lovely time,

  3. I love country fairs :)))

  4. I'm sure country fairs are so much fun! :)

  5. Oh they're so sweet, animals make the best pics! Susannah x


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