Alice... if only!

I just discovered this amazing site called Polvore where you get to design your own outfits.
I don't really know if this is going to be good thing or bad thing for me. Its SO fun but I'm a little worried I will loose my super powers over my credit card. Eeek! This first outfit was a trial, and so I used my friends account to make it. But I already know I'm going to be spending way to much time on this site. Funny how after you try something new... you wonder how you ever lived without it in the first place. I can't even remember my life before blogging! Seriously! Anyways... in the real world I got some great new outfits from Goodwill! And I also got my hair done today! Just think Curly Sue!!! I will post pictures soon! 


  1. It's very very very cute ! J'adore !
    I can't wait to see you as Curly Sue :)
    Have a super week-end too, dear Chelsea :)


  2. Oh, I'll have to check out that site! You should post pics of your curly do!

  3. It may interest you
    Exhibition : Drawing Babar (early Drafts and Watercolors)


  4. that is the cutest outfit, especially the bolero!

    i had a few minutes to explore your lovely blog today. you have such a sweet home and you are too adorable. and you graduated from the art institute in portland? how cool is that? are you working in an art field? i'm being nosy!

    i responded to your comment about the pointy hats on my blog, but i'm not sure if you read it or not. i'd be happy to do a trade. let me know a color scheme for the hat (i can make it solid as well), and if you want a tall pointy hat or shorter.

    can't wait to see pics of your hair and your goodwill finds!

  5. I forgot that you love Babar! Me too! My Dad was the "moustache man"!! Anyways... I have to check out this site too... looks beyond fabulous! I love this picture you posted. And your hair is gorgeous! You're so lucky to have those pretty curls!


Thank you for your comments :)