Home Is Where The Sweets Are...

There is a magic in that little world, home; 
it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues 
never known beyond its hallowed limits
Robert Southey

Jim and I have both had a really long and emotionally tough week of work. 
It is so hard when we are both struggling... 
because the last thing you want to hear is someone else's problems 
when your having your own. 
All you want to hear really is that the other is GREAT! 
But all in all Jim and I just keep reminding each other how blessed we are...
 to have each other, a home, two messy puppy dogs 
and bigger and better opportunities ahead of us! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better by now :)
    Your mosaïc is delightful. When I see such colors, I don't see the weather anymore. I just jump into a dream, my mind is away... Here is a little bottle Alice ! Drink it ! People around you will get small, small...
    Where they are now ? I don't see them anymore ! Do you ? Start a very lovely week next week Chelsea :)


Thank you for your comments :)