Think left and think right
and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up
if only you try!
~Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
I'm often told that I live my life in a fantasy all my own
I'm not to often concerned about what others think
or what is proper or expected
the word ordinary is perhaps the most terrifying word
in all the english language
next to Dentist that is
but for all the uniqueness that is me
I desperately and most fervently wish
that my mind could let go of pain
and anger, frustration, regrets, and disappointments
because I truly believe that these things
are what drive our inner child to hide deep
within ourselves
even when they do come out from the shadows
they are timid and reluctant to play
What short childhood so many of us have
we fall victim the world around us
We loose our ability to believe in magic
and in time even in ourselves
Do you still know your inner child?
Are you close friends after all these years?
Or do you believe that "childhood" is a place in time
rather than a place inside yourself?
I think we are most guarded with our imaginations
when we are playing with children
Is it that we feel we must be the adult in the room?
or are we afraid of falling down the rabbit's hole?
We play along but we don't open our eyes
to the world of their creation right in front of us
I don't know why I've gone all philosophical on my blog today
I came here to share some cute photos from a recent photo shoot
and instead got lost in my own thoughts
I think it's because I am around children so rarely
that when I am I fascinated by how very rigid I have become
my imagination is more like an old guitar
dusty and out of tune
sure it can still make noise
but you would hardly call it music
Well on to business ^^
for being such wonderful pals and helping me get
some new photos to showcase my headbands
and of course to little Guin who charmed our socks off
and brought to life the most beautiful horse in the parade
I now have 27 newly posted YoYo headband listed in my shop
Next week I'll have some new products to share with you
and maybe even a giveaway
what do you think? Do you gals like giveaways? ^-
Here are a few of my favorites
Check out my shop to see them all
and I'm currently offering a killer deal
if you purchase 3 headbands I'll send you the 4th for FREE
if you do the math that makes each headband is just $10.50
which is a great steal - I mean deal!
These are truly a labor of love
I try not to think about how much time goes into
making each one ^^