I'm not the type of gal to usually spot the perfect rounded number on my speedometer...
but today I did catch that my blog following has reached 200!
I can't really put into words how that feels... but if I might try...
it's like walking on clouds
a sunny day in the middle of a Portland Winter
an unexpected gift in the mail
Thank You Friends
for saying hello... sharing your thoughts
and being my friend... you're all AWESOME IN MY BOOK!

So lets talk about sending "love mail"
I love mail! Who doesn't?
well I do hate paper wasting stupid junk mail and bills
but I LOVE all the rest
package or envelope it really doesn't matter

Many of you have asked if I was planning on making cards sometime in the future
and believe it or not the future is very very near.
I am quite terrified of printers, but with some encouragement
and advice from my friend Cate
(who just happens to be having an amazing giveaway right now)
AND my very sweet husband that reminded me to breath
I successfully printed 10 sample postcards which I am sending off to Sadie for this years Lollishops Press Kits for Silver Bella 2009.
Now I'm on the hunt for the perfect paper and to create my own custom postcard design.

I had some items to mail out tomorrow and realized I was out labels.
So I quickly came up with these.
The cupcake is a new design... i'm still working on.
Pretty sure he's going to be party of my Valentine Kit available in January.

This amazing treat was sent to my e-mail this evening!
Karen purchased my kit just this morning and by the time I got home from work
she had created this adorable birthday invitation for her 3 year old.
I was so moved! It's been such a quick but crazy journey
to this new adventure of digital kit making
and it's going to take time before I find my market
plus really believe that I belong amongst such amazing designers.
but seeing so many of the elements of my kit come together
in such an adorable way
made my heart sing
and gave me a second wind!
There is one more person I want to thank tonight
and that is my dear friend Danielle Thompson
I would have never had the courage to try learning Illustrator on my own
and I am constantly inspired by her kindness and her amazing talents as an artist.
And in the spirit of this post I would like to share some of her new products
for sending the sweetest parcels to those you love

Just tonight I printed these dang cute labels
inspired by Danielle's vintage camera collection
reminding mail carriers to deliver your mail safe and sound

From stamps to stickers to print them yourself
There is something special that is sure to work for you
and as I have shared time and time again
her DIGITAL KITS are all so dang cute
no wonder she proudly calls them Kitschy Digitals!
Thank You Danielle for being such a great friend!

Well I hope you feel the love!
Blogging really isn't all that fun
if you don't have a friend or two to share it with
so to have 200 is 100 times the fun!
Chelsea Ann