Project Dress Up

Project Dress Up started in early 2009  as an experiment of how "dressing up" could effect my life. My goal was to dress up 90% of the entire year! In short, dressing up made me perceive my chores, every day events, and myself in a whole other way. I felt more joyful, more energetic and overall more excited about life. I also saw a difference in how I interacted with people and how they viewed me. Conversations were started with wonderful people who I otherwise would never have spoken to. For others I put a smile to their face and perhaps a question or two in their minds. 

Now this doesn’t just mean wearing a dress, this is about dressing in a way that makes people take a second look at you. To dress like you’re going somewhere special all the time. I’m talking over the top outfits-Tastefully Chelsea Ann style of coarse. 

After a bit of a break I am now trying a second round and perhaps even making a life long commitment. Follow my blog to learn more...

I encourage each and everyone one of you to give this a try. Perhaps not to the extreme that I have but give those faded ol' jeans a break and strap on a pair of high heels. You will find that taking the time to get all dolled up will be well spent! I promise!