I've been pining for a blythe doll for quite some time now
but alas I just don't foresee the possibility of affording one
anywhere in my near future
Feels kind of like high school when Abercrombie, rolled up jeans, and Doc Martins
were the IT gear and I was without hope in my JcPenny Duds.
So just like in high school
I had to come up with my own unique style
therefore, my doll of choice

I still have my original Merry although her hair stands straight up
She is the only toy I remember having that was truly 80s!
I love their adorable plump little faces
but unfortunately their hair is quite unruly

It was fun getting into the world of a doll for this first photo-shoot
seemed only suiting to use apple dumpling as the theme
The dolls are actually quite photogenic
but finding them a proper wardrobe is a nightmare
My mother-in-law is such a treasure
she purchased me 6 bags of doll cloths
none of them were small enough for my Cherry Merry Dolls

But a good portion of them fit my new Disney Snow White Doll
Part of the My Disney princess Set by Mattell
I would include a link but for some reason
I am finding it completely impossible to find her on-line :(
Well I got her at ToysRus and I really really love her
but again really hard to find cloths to fit
Sadly I must report that I am in terrible agonizing pain at the moment
I had my teeth worked on last week
and I'm hopping I just have my bite off
but my fear is that I might need 2 root canals :(
Jimmy gave me a mighty big pain killer today
and while it numbed the pain for most of the day
I have been terrible dizzy and sick to my stomach :(
Oh I feel your pain little darling tooth!
This ooober adorable yet very pitiful guy
is a creation from etsy seller Uriel of ohhlovely
and I just LOVE him at the moment
sadly though~ My money will will extracted from me for quite sometime
to pay of the Dentist Man ~ Oh Joy!

oh one more sad piece of news
My poor beloved Lollishops is dealing with some bad bugs at the moment
and I have had to close shop(s)... I hope for only a short while
but the future is a bit unknown
I don't want to make any rash decisions so...
well really there isn't much of a so...
but I do have the kits and prints on Etsy
I have for quite a while...
so you can hop over there if your in the shopping mood
As for Keepsake Cakes you can contact me if your interested in anything
I will be making my Hello Kitty gingerbread houses available very soon
so I will keep you posted on how and where they will be available
I appreciate your patience.
& if by chance you did make a purchase from me in the last week or so
but never heard from me
I send you my deepest apologies...
please contact me and we will figure this mess out together
Much love to you all this week~
Chelsea Ann