A Weeki Wackee hello to you all!
Did you now that Weeki Wackee is a place?
A real magical place were mermaids entertain silly folks like you and I...
yupp yupp it's for reals.

So why mermaids today?
well because my sketchbook has been filling up with these majestic ladies
for my upcoming Peter Pan series.
And in honor of creating art I thought I would share a few
beautiful mermaid prints I found on Etsy.
There are over 60 pages for mermaid prints on Etsy.
That's just crazy and lovely at the same time.
And perhaps the sweetest of all is Boopsie Daisy's Collection of Mermaids in a sea of candy
This may be most boring video ever, right?
I have decided that video making can not occur until
I have had a glass of wine or a red bull
And perhaps singing was not such a grand idea
as my voice sounds so silly when recorded anyhow
I love to sing though
in the morning you can hear me belting out in the shower
Disney tunes, the national anthem or some broadway melody
I'm off for a trip back home
it's a bitter sweet trip for me
For I am excited to attend my childhood best friends wedding
vacation at my grandparents for a week with my mum
and visit with family, I have not seen for such a long long time
last time I made this trip
only a few months back
I had terrible anxiety that lasted for weeks
and already I have felt this black icky feeling creeping over me
and most ashamedly I tried covering it up this week
by using my little plastic card to its limit
so please keep me in your thoughts
my husband tries to rationalize things for me
but I just can't...
I will miss you all!
I should be back with much to share around the 20th
Chelsea Ann
Oh Chelsea Ann! What do you mean your voice sounds funny when recorded! You have an amazing singing voice! And I love the song choice, I was obsessed with The Little Mermaid when I was little, and used to belt out that song while playing in the back yard! It must have taken so much courage to post a video of yourself singing, I really admire you for that!
The mermaid sketches are looking beautiful. :)
I wish you all the best for your trip to your home town. I hope you pull through ok! Sending you lots of encouragement wishes xox
Guess what? I live 10 minutes away from Weeki Wachee!!! Been to Weeki Wachee Springs(where the mermaids perform) many times. We lived about 30 minutes away from it when I was a kid and the first time we went I was mesmerized and wanted to be a mermaid when I grew up. I could have been, too! Since they hire people all the time haha. But by now, I am in no shape to be a mermaid. lol.
Chelsea Ann! You know that I love the mermaids of WeekeWachee more than anything! I gasped when I saw the photo. Thrilled even more so when I saw your drawings! I can't wait to see them! I am so excited that you are sharing your drawings with us! Elizabeth
Love your mermaid drawings. Can't wait to see them all in color and finished. Hang in there on your trip and try to stay postive and have fun!
You are pretty as a picture and have such a sweet voice! I can just imagine you and Jimmy driving down the road in Big Red, you belting out a Broadway tune!!!
I can't wait to see the Mermaid series come to fruition!
Have a wonderful trip! I hope all your anxieties will melt away when you arrive :~)
❤ Elaine
My daughter loves mermaids. If she thinks I'm looking especially pretty, she tells me I look like a mermaid. It's the highest of compliments around here!
Chelsea your mermaid drawings are beautiful..cannot wait to see them with all the pretty colors! Enjoy your trip back home and hope your anxiety stays at bay. (see how I tied in bay & mermaid?) You have a very pretty voice and giggle!
Oh my stars! You have an absolutely beautiful soul & writing style & are naturally intriguing & sweet to read about, honey! I feel deeply inspired to get back into blogging after my little visit here, in fact!
Honestly, there isn't anything you do that doesn't cause me to want to smile! xox! P.S. Thank you for being so kind, I just adore you, sweetiepie! <3
Your mermaid sketches are adorable xo
Beautiful mermaids!
Hi Chelsea doll!
Hope you survived the wedding ok! Gee can I say it again, wish you lived near me, you'd be the best medicine for my crabby self! Love ya,Lori
I love mermaids!! Makes me want to create some mermaid inspired bath goodies!!
Finally have my speakers hooked up,! What a precious voice! You brought tears to my eyes, happy ones cause your so adorable! Love,Lori P.S Doggies sneeze was even cute!
I have been to Weeki Wachi! My sister and I loved it (I was 10 and she was 12) and played that in the pool for ages afterwards. We still talk about it. :D
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