I love doing shows
it's my little way of living out my dream of having my own
real life shop
but for whatever reason
craft shows are not the place for me to make sales
either the kids love my work and mom is like
"NO!" or mom loves it but the kids don't like the same item
or are distracted by everything else that is going on around them
thank goodness for the wonderful world of etsy!

So unless I become an overnight success story
and the mere mention of my name brings people running
to see my work in person
I think I will stay away from shows and what not.
this really is sad news because their is nothing like
witnessing someone really connect with your work
plus I think I had finally gotten a handle
on what I wanted for my display
but who knows what the future holds

I've been playing around with a bunch of new product ideas
trying to figure out how to use my original artwork
still not 100% satisfied with the necklaces
but I have some pretty dang cute kilt pins
that hopefully I'll be sharing with you all next week
I've had to be really creative when it comes to my displays
but I would have loved to have had some custom items
made by etsy shop owner

All in all I think it was a fun show to end on
while I really didn't make any cash per say
I had a lot of fun and met a lot of really nice people
And hey all is not lost
The show gave me tuns of motivation to try new things
and make lots and lots of new pretties
I've been taking pictures, editing, and listing for the last 3 days
and while its hard for me to believe
I now have over 90 items listed in my shop!

There are a few new headbands

Loads and loads of elastic headbands
sized from infant to adult
a few pretty little purses
and what I am most excited to introduce
kawaii Shoe clips!!!
I have to send out one big giant thank you
to my wonderful friend Karli
of a Retro Plants for sending me the cute little doll heads
that I am now using to display some of my work
some people might find them odd
but my kitschy loving friends will surely appreciate them
and hey when you really don't have any little girls in your life
you have to think a little outside the box.