I've shown pink mosaics before- but I was especially in need of one this week.
Between finding out that the yarn I use for my cakes has been discontinued, to the 2nd dryer this year to die, to hubby off to Idaho for a funeral- oh and Jim's company also having layoffs!
This girl needs a break-I want to scream! I want to cry... I almost want to giggle.
“Almost all words do have color and nothing
is more pleasant than to utter a pink word
and see someone's eyes light up
and know it is a pink word for him or her too”
-Gladys Taber
Let me know if you have any pink words... I could use a pocket full of them!
Sorry to hear about all of your setbacks. That's enough to make anyone scream. Keep thinking pink...everything will get better soon. =)
How about some pink cream cake and pink paisley?
Cheer up, Chelsea! This too shall pass. :)
Your pink mosaic really made me smile :) It is gray outside here today and I was kindof feeling blah.
I hope you feel better! I'm sorry to hear about all the crumminess..
PINK pink pink :)))
Fraise, framboise, barbe à papa, petite fille, panthère rose...
Think Pink :) Think Pink :)
Have a wonderful Pink Weekend :)))
I usually put PINK on my ipod and feel better. She brings out the rebel in me. Hugs to you!
oh, i love the pink shutters and door on that house! it's so cute! my boyfriend totally would not go for that (even though he was the one who suggested to paint our bathroom that very same color pink!).
pink words.......hmmmmmmn........
how about:
frou frou
...these words are 'pink' words to me, and none of them begin with the letter 'P.'
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