I completely forgot to mention that I colored my hair in my last post
I've actually been living the life of a blond for about a month now
but I hadn't taken any new photographs of myself so....
I'm not 100% in love with it
the hope was to go pink
but first my silly hair took on a lovely or not so lovely shade of yellow
and then I came to this color
I'm now terrified of killing it
and so it has stayed

Many of you comment on my hair...
and this is just beyond silly because really hair is my mortal enemy
just ask my husband.
He will tell you how I wail and whine and carry on in the bathroom mirror

The thing about my hair
is that I didn't always have a lot of it
Pretty much my entire childhood I had boy short hair
And as I look back and think
"OMG Chelsea no wonder you never had a date to any dances"
there is also a part of me that misses this no fuss lifestyle
and while my hair is growing on me
both in fondness and in length
there are still so many days when I teas and fuss over it only to end up putting it in a ponytail
merely because the stranger in the mirror is not me
Couldn't possibly be?

I started growing it out jr. Year of High School
Graduation came and
I left my high school and never looked back
I didn't save a single yearbook
and I have no friends I call on
I started college with high hopes
but never did I expect to be that girl...
The girl who gets the side glance when walking out the door
the girl the boys want to talk with in the coffee shop
that girl!!!!
OK so I was still a dormy and I was still this skinny little thing with no boobs
and a brain full of fluff and innocence.
but I got attention!!!! AND IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!
I'm not sure why I contributed this change to my hair
because god knows I had some terrible hair disasters in college
more likely it was just getting out of my small town
where no matter what I did I was just Chelsea
I hope your hair doesn't give you quite as much grief
but one thing... Go get a Bumpit!
No kidding... you know from the tv commercials?
they have them at Walmart now
and I LOVE them!!!!

Speaking of Hair Pretties
I'm having a booth at Crafty Wonderland this Sunday
and I've been making YoYo Headbands like crazy
Crossing my fingers that they are just as much a hit as they were last time
If your in Portland area do stop by
Doug Fir Lounge, 830 E. Burnside
Chelsea Ann
your hair was always cute!
i like it short and i like it long. . . your lucky. . . you can go either way and still look girly! :)
not many of us can do that!
p.s. no worries about the headbands. . . if you make them. . . they will sell! they are too cute not too! :)
good luck and HAVE FUN!
aw. . . Portland sounds nice, is it?
p.s.s. was that Drew in one of the pics? tee hee! :)
you look AMAZING with platinum hair! i LOVE seeing your yearbook photos.. love it! :-) and i adore your yoyo headbands.. SO cute, i hope you sell tons! :-)
danielle thompson
Such a fun post!Your new hair color looks great on you. I loved all the school photos...so cute! Isn't it amazing how much of our identity can be wrapped up in our hair. I sure know the feeling.
Love your yoyo headbands I'm sure they will sell well!
Good luck this weekend!
Well I love your new hair colour, and I would love to see you go pink! And then I will live vicariously through you, as I could never dye my hair pink like I would like to, as I would surely get fired! A nurse with pink hair!? My boss would go ape at me!!
I have seen people mentioning bumpits on blogs, and wonder when it will hit Australia...
Your yo-yo head bands are so sweet, and I know cause I am a proud owner of a super cute one!
Love your new hair....and with the sweet little headbands...adorable!!!! I so want to come and visit you and pick up some of your yo yo headbands...but Portland is too far away for me!!! Boo Hoo....hope they are a hit! I love your blog my dear so so adorable!
love those headbands! :)
and your hair is super cute!
Did you get those little dolly buttons at Knittn Kitten? I got some there. :)
hi my name is jillian, and i have struggled with flat lifeless hair my whole life. it is so straight i can not even make back comb stay for more then one or two hours... till recently when i discoved these clips... i have tried bump-its and other "volumizing" products and tools and tried every trick in the book but never had results worth bragging about; till now... the clips are called
J-Clips... you can see them on
youtube, in three easy steps i can volume that lasts for days... even a week sometimes!! plz if you have evr suffered from flat hair you have got to see these clips...the picture with the "bee hive" look... i can do that everyday in under 20 min!
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