Do you ever just feel really really small?
With the way the world is today
I hardly feel like I have a voice
I'm just one more person pushing through the sludge

People always ask me
why do you blog?
and they almost always ask if
i'm looking for my 15 minutes of fame
well my first answer is "yes i am"
who doesn't want to be just a little bit loved by the world?
Sure fame is appealing
but really
I just want to have a voice in this world
a connection with others who share the same interest
and more importantly
the good and ugly realities of life
I strive to not be fake
for so much of life is that way
full of false hopes and misleading ideals

If anything blogging is a way to bridge reality with the dream
it's how you wish to be seen
and how neighbors should be
it's a place full of hopes and dreams
tears and words of encouragement
what does blogging mean to you?
Sharing what I know and Love with new and old friends! Getting Inspiration from what others know and love!
I love to share~whether it be a crafty project, diy project, or what's happening in my life. Also like to visit lots of "neighbors" in blogland..near or far. HUgs (~~)Julie
I feel the same way. It's so easy to feel lost in this world, it's something I definitely struggle with in this big city, that it feels good to have a place to express myself. I love the friends I've made through blogging, I've met people and gained perspective that I never would have if it wasn't for this wonderful online world.
test test test
I totally get what you mean. I moved schools recently, and it feels like the world had quadrupled in size! I didn't know that many people could fit in one building!! ...
I blog because it makes me feel free... <3
Illusions, sweet little illusions.
I blog because I feel safe out strange as that sounds. I have "met" some wonderful women who relate to my life....and that is important at my age. Actually at any age! I love my blogging buddies! They make me feel heard!
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